Digital Genres and Open Science

Project PID2019-105655RB-I00 funded by

GENCI 2.0 – Digital Genres and Open Science

Web 2.0 has brought about dramatic changes in the transmission and dissemination of science, facilitating the communication between scientists and also with non-specialized audiences through digital genres. Digital affordances facilitate the emergence of hybrid genres and the combination of genres to form complex generic assemblages to communicate science to diversified audiences.

In this context, this project seeks to respond to the problematization of the traditional concept of genre and explore the use of genre repertoires to communicate science openly on the Internet. Our purpose is to identify the intertextual relationships in the new combinations of genres afforded by the digital environments, paying special attention to processes of generic innovation through the use of multimodal elements, and processes of generic hybridization, and appropriation of non-scientific discourses.

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