Digital Genres and Open Science
International Conference, 26-27 May 2022
University of Zaragoza (Spain)
ZOOM access link: https://zoom.us/j/97790658906
General description of the conference
Open Science is increasingly gaining attention by scientists and promoted by governments and funding agencies. The digitalization of science facilitates this move towards increased transparency and reproducibility, collaboration and sharing of data and results, and understanding of and engagement in science by the general public. Open digital genres and platforms make it possible to share research processes, data, and outcomes with peers easily, but also to make research results physically available and conceptually accessible for diverse audiences.
The conference focuses on the rapidly evolving repertoire of genres that support Open Science communication practices online. Specifically, it aims to be a space for reflection and analysis on the opportunities that digital genres offer to communicate science openly to various audiences and of the challenges that composing these genres poses for researchers and academics.

Strands of research
Submissions on all aspects of digital genres for science communication are welcomed, but contributions addressing the theme of digital genres and Open Science are particularly encouraged. This includes, but is not limited to, papers addressing issues such as:
- Theories and methods for the study of digital genres for Open Science
- Discourse and multimodal studies of digital genres for research communication
- Digital genres for scientific knowledge dissemination and public engagement
- Processes of recontextualization and generic hybridization in science communication online
- Open Science practices, Open Access publishing and open peer review
- Studies on perceptions towards Open Science practices
- Digital literacies, Languages for Academic Purposes and pedagogies for professional development

Plenary speakers

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society

City University of
Hong Kong
Featured speaker

University of
Michigan, US

Important dates
- Deadline for abstracts: February 18th, 2022
- Notification of acceptance: March 14th, 2022
- Deadline for registration: May 16th, 2022
- Conference: May 26-27th, 2022
Note: This conference will be held online.

Submission guidelines
Please submit your abstract (MS Word document) of no more than 300 words no later than February 18th, 2022 using this link. Abstract proposals should be formatted as follows:
- Title, centred, bold, Times New Roman 14
- Surname, first name, affiliation, e-mail address
- Main text, justified, Times New Roman 12
- Keywords (max. 5), italics, Times New Roman 12
- References (max.5), APA 7th Edition format
The document should be named after the author(s)’ surname and name.
Authors can only submit one proposal. The standard length for presentations is 20 minutes for presentation, plus 10 minutes for discussion. You will be notified of the outcome of the review process by March 14, 2022.

Registration and payment
Registration will open on March 14th
All the authors of accepted papers must register in order to appear in the conference programme and to receive a certificate of participation.
Registration fee before 16.05.2022: 50€ (Presenters)
FREE for Attendees
Registration form for Presenters and Attendees: <https://forms.gle/CB1nJMWFcXtAgsPt5>
NOTE: Presenters: Registration will only be complete once proof of payment has been provided. Please send it to <genciconference2022@unizar.es>

Publication Opportunities
A selection of conference papers will be published in a volume and/or journal issue. More information will be announced during the conference.

Organising Committee
- María José Luzón (U of Zaragoza) (Chair)
- Ignacio Guillén-Galve (U of Zaragoza) (Co-chair)
- Carmen Pérez-Llantada (U of Zaragoza)
- Laura M. Muresan (Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies)
- Ana Bocanegra-Valle (U of Cadiz)
- Concepción Orna (U of Zaragoza)
- Oana Maria Carciu (U of Zaragoza)
- Miguel A. Vela-Tafalla (U of Zaragoza)
- M Ángeles Velilla (U of Zaragoza)
- Rosana Villares (U of Zaragoza)
- Sofía Albero (U of Zaragoza)
- Alfonso Ollero (U of Zaragoza)
- Alberto Vela (U of Zaragoza)
- Ana Cristina Vivas (U of Zaragoza)
Scientific Committee
- Ashley Mehlenbacher (University of Waterloo)
- Brian Paltridge (University of Sidney)
- Carmen Daniela Maier (Aarhus University)
- Clay Spinuzzi (The University of Texas)
- Jonathan Buehl (Ohio State University)
- Elizabeth Rowley-Jolivet (Orléans University)
- Inmaculada Fortanet (University Jaume I, Castellón)
- Jan Engberg (Aarhus University)
- Ron Darvin (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Rosa Lorés (University of Zaragoza)
- Ruth Breeze (University of Navarra)
- Sylvia Jaworska (University of Reading)

Our sponsors
Grant PID2019-105655RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and CIRES “Comunicación Internacional y Retos Sociales” (H16_20R), Gobierno de Aragón.

Contact us
For any inquiry you can contact the organizers at genciconference2022@unizar.es
You can also follow the updates of the conference on our project website https://genci.unizar.es/ and on our Twitter @digital_genres.