I have a Bachelor in Translation and Interpretation from the University of Salamanca and a Master’s degree in International Commerce from Rey Juan Carlos University. I also did a Bachelor’s degree in Art History and have published several journalistic genres in this field, along with a Master’s degree in Ancient World and Archaeological Heritage and a Master’s degree in Education, both at the University of Zaragoza. I have work experience in Pekin and Düsseldorf for over three years and have worked as an Associate Professor in the Department of English and German Philology. I have written my PhD thesis with the support of a 4-year research grant from the regional Government of Aragón, Spain. My PhD thesis is about digital genres that are used to give visibility and credibility to scientific research and to inform the lay public about issues of societal concern. My main research interests include genre analysis, English for Academic Purposes and digital genres in science communication.
You can follow my updates on ResearchGate.
- Vela-Rodrigo, A.Á. (2025, forthcoming). A case study for the analysis of the rhetoric of crowdfunding communication. Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos.
- Vela-Rodrigo, A.Á. (2024). Markers of discourse structure in digital crowdfunding science proposals. Complutense Journal of English Studies (32) e97317.
- Vela-Rodrigo, A.Á. (2023). A lexical bundle analysis of art-related crowdfunding projects. Ibérica: Revista de la Asociación Europea de Lenguas para Fines Específicos (AELFE), 46, pp. 321-349.
- Vela, Á., Ollero, A., & Vivas A.C.(2023). El fomento de las competencias digital y comunicativa en inglés a través del uso de software especializado en abierto. En Alejandre, J.L. (Coord.). Buenas prácticas en la docencia universitaria con apoyo de TIC. Experiencias en 2022 (pp. 169-176). Cátedra Banco Santander de la Universidad de Zaragoza. Prensas de la UZ. ISBN: 978-84-1340-668-8
- Ollero, A., Vela, Á. & Pérez-Llantada, C. (2023). El desarrollo de la competencia en comunicación multimodal a través de la creación de textos digitales. En Díez Gómez de Casal, A. (ed. Lit.) Propuestas de innovación para el desarrollo en contextos educativos (pp. 115-130). Universidad de La Rioja-CRIE. ISBN 978-84-09-50189-2
- Vela Rodrigo, A. Á. (2022). CLIL for the teaching of History and English in Secondary Education: How to complete the existing materials. Language Value, 15(1), pp. 1-29.
- Vela-Rodrigo, A. Á. (2024). A cross-disciplinary comparison of lexical bundles behaviour in the digital genre of crowdfunding proposals. 41º Congreso AESLA 2024 (Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada). Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain), 17-19 April, 2024. Conference presentation.
- Vela Rodrigo, A. Á. (2023).100% crowdfunded! A study on phraseology for successful scientific communication in an emerging digital genre. 7th Meeting of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE7) “Combining Tradition and Computation”. University of Queensland, Brisbane (Australia), 19-23 June, 2023. Conference presentation
- Vela Rodrigo, A. Á. (2023). Digital genre of crowdfunding projects in the context of science and society. English and Digital Linguistics Research Colloquium (Summer 2023: 18 April – 13 June), Technische Universität Chemnitz (Germany), 16 May, Invited Talk
- Vela Rodrigo, A. Á. (2023).Lexical Bundles for the Creation of Reliability and Proximity in Crowdfunding Campaigns. 32nd Annual International Conference on British and American Studies (BAS 2023), English Department at the Faculty of Letters, West University of Timişoara (Romania), 11-13 May, Conference presentation
- Vela Rodrigo, A. Á. (2023). A rhetorical profile of art-related crowdfunding projects in a new communicative culture. Cultures & Contrasts (C&C 2023) LANGUAGES IN CULTURAL PERSPECTIVES: PRACTICES, DISCOURSES, COGNITION. State University of Applied Sciences in Konin (Poland), 27-29 March. Conference presentation
- Vela Rodrigo, A. Á. (2023). A lexical bundle analysis for artistic campaigns in Crowdfunding Communication. 44th GERAS International Conference: Cultures, Mémoires et Héritages en Anglais de Spécialité, École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay (France), 23-25 March. Conference presentation
- Vela Rodrigo, A. Á. (2023). Formulaic language for responding to new digital demands in Crowdfunding Science. XI National Conference BIFI 2023. Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Biocomputación y Física de Sistemas Complejos (BIFI), Zaragoza, Spain, 25- 27 Jan. Poster presentation.
- Pérez-Llantada, Carmen; Abián, Olga; Cadenas-Sánchez, Cristina; Carciu, Oana; Clemente-Gallardo, Jesús; Erviti, Mari Carmen; Labayen, Idoia; León, Bienvenido; Ollero, Alfonso; Oses Recalde, Maddi; Rivera, Diego; Vela, Alberto; Velázquez-Campoy, Adrián; Villares, Rosana; Vivas Peraza, Ana Cristina (2022), “Digital Science: Sustainable, transformative and transversal. Final report”, Mendeley Data, V1, doi: 10.17632/2yv5brwxg5.1
- Vela Rodrigo, A. Á. (2022). Analyzing the rhetoric of crowdfunding communication: A case study in experimental biology. The 10th International Conference Synergies in Communication (SiC 2022), The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, 27 – 28 October 2022, Bucharest, Romania. Conference presentation.
- Ollero Gavín, A., Vela Rodrigo, A.Á. & Pérez-Llantada, C. (2022). El desarrollo de la competencia de comunicación multimodal a través de la creación de textos digitales. Jornadas de innovación docente UR-CRIE, Logroño, Spain, 25-27 Oct. Conference presentation.
- Vela Rodrigo, A. Á., Ollero Gavín, A. & Vivas-Peraza, A.C. (2022). El fomento de las competencias digital y comunicativa en inglés a través del uso de software especializado en abierto. XIII Jornada Cátedra Santander de Buenas Prácticas en la docencia universitaria con apoyo de TIC. Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain, 6-7 Sept. Conference presentation.
- Vela Rodrigo, A. Á. (2022). A move-step rhetorical analysis of environment and sustainability crowdfunding projects. 39th International Conference of the Spanish Society of Applied Linguistics (AESLA), 27-29 April 2022, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. Conference presentation.
- Vela Rodrigo, A. Á. (2021). An analysis of textbooks materials for the integrated teaching of History and English in Secondary Education. XXXV Congreso Internacional Asociación de Jóvenes Lingüistas (AJL), 29 Sept – 1 Oct 2021, Zaragoza, Spain. Conference presentation.
- Vela Rodrigo, A. Á. (2021). A phraseological analysis for Art and Design projects for Crowdfunding Science. Seing III (University of Zaragoza). Building bridges and filling gaps in English Studies research, 27-28 May 2021, Zaragoza, Spain. Conference presentation.
- Vela Rodrigo, A. Á. (2021). Crowdfunding Science: the functions of discourse markers in Earth Science Projects. III Congreso Internacional ENTRETEXTOS (Instituto Universitario de Lenguas Modernas Aplicadas, University of Alicante ). Géneros discursivos, corpus y traducción en contextos profesionales y académicos, 13-14 May 2021, Alicante, Spain. Conference presentation.
- Assistant for Miscelánea Journal
- Affiliations: European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes (AELFE), International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE)