Research projects – completed
See the research we have completed in the field of genre theory and scientific communication.
Ecologies of genres and ecologies of languages: an analysis of science communication at local, cross border and international level (2016-2020, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness), led by Prof. C Pérez-Llantada (U of Zaragoza)
Linguistic diversity on the International Campus (2015-2017) led by Prof. J. Jenkins (U of Southampton) and Anna Mauranen (U Helsinki)
Quality Assessment Training (2013-2015) led by Dr. Galya Mateeva (New Bulgarian University) and funded by the European Commission, Lifelong Learning Programme (Grundtvig)
The Worldwide Challenge of English funded by the World Universities Consortium (2014)
English as a lingua franca in specialized discourses: alternative spaces of linguistic and cultural production (2013-2016, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness), led by Prof. I Vázquez (U Zaragoza)
Improving Standards of Quality in Adult Language Education (2011-2013), led by Dr. Galya Mateeva (New Bulgarian University), funded by the European Commission, Lifelong Learning Programme (Grundtvig)
English in Europe: Opportunity or Threat? led by Prof. A. Linn (U Sheffield) funded by the Leverhulme Trust (UK) (2011-2013)
Generic integrity in academic and professional communication (2009-2011, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation), led by Prof. I Vázquez (U Zaragoza)