

Luzón, M.J. (forthcoming). Digital pedagogic genres. In K. Hyland & P. Thompson (eds). The Routledge Handbook of English for Academic Purposes. Routledge (2nd edition).

Luzón, M.J. (forthcoming).  #ILookLikeASurgeon: stance and engagement on Twitter/X for identity construction and community building. Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación.

Luzón, M.J. and Velilla, M.A. (forthcoming). New Digital Genres to Summarize Medical Research: Implications for ESP Teaching. In Eda Işık, E. & Hocking, D. (Eds.), English for Specific Purposes in the 21st Century: Innovative Perspectives and Practices. Palgrave Macmillan.

Luzón, M.J.  (forthcoming). Academic Twitter/X and genre analysis. In H. Nesi, & P. Milin (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (3rd ed.). Elsevier.

Luzón, M.J.  (forthcoming). Language in science blogs. In H. Nesi, & P. Milin (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (3rd ed.). Elsevier.

Luzón, M.J. (forthcoming). Open Science Publication. In Breeze, R., Engberg, J., Roelcke, T (eds.) Handbook of Specialized Communication. De Gruyter / Mouton

Pérez-Llantada, C. & O. Carciu. (forthcoming). Language for Specific Purposes Pedagogy. In H. Nesi, & P. Milin (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (3rd ed.). Elsevier.

Pérez-Llantada, C. (forthcoming). Epistemicide and Open Science communication. In Breeze, R., Engberg, J., Roelcke, T (eds.) Handbook of Specialized Communication. De Gruyter / Mouton.

Velilla, M.A. (forthcoming). Context-sensitive strategies for effective intercultural communication in English-Medium Instruction. In Alonso-Almeida, F. J. (Ed.) The Pragmatics of Metadiscourse: Insights from Intercultural and Cross-Cultural Communication. The Gruyter Mouton.

Guillén-Galve, I. (forthcoming). Open Science in Applied Linguistics research: An Update on Key Developments and Concerns. In Curado, A., Rico, M., Fielden, L (eds.) Exploring open science in applied linguistics: Reviews and case studies. Applied Linguistics Press.

Guillén-Galve, I. (forthcoming). The Open Science movement and current and future directions in Applied Linguistics research. In Curado, A., Rico, M., Fielden, L (eds.) Open science and applied linguistics: Issues, challenges, resources. Cambridge Scholars

Vela-Rodrigo, A. Á. (forthcoming). Form and structure of lexical bundles in crowdfunding writing: a corpus driven analysis. Synergy.

Vela-Rodrigo, A.Á. (forthcoming). A case study for the analysis of the rhetoric of crowdfunding communication. Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos.

Villares, R. (forthcoming). La internacionalización de la investigación: retos e identidades desde la perspectiva de los investigadores. In E. Dafouz (ed.), La internacionalización del sistema universitario español en perspectiva. Editorial Complutense. (in press)

Vivas-Peraza, A.C. (forthcoming). Emotions in science communication: Appealing to pathos to feature an experiment through Science Crowdfunding Videos. JCOM.

Vivas-Peraza, A.C. (forthcoming). Multimodality as a framework for the study of verbal and non-verbal resources in web-based science communication. The case of science crowdfunding videos (SCVs). Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación.

Velilla, M.A. (2025). Localised practices of intercultural communication in EMI lectures: The impact of local cultural identity on academic meaning making processes”. In Álvarez, J., Quintana, E., Sánchez, M.E. (Eds) The (inter)cultural dimension in language learning. Peter Lang.


Abián, O., Velázquez-Campoy, A. and C. Pérez-Llantada (2024, forthcoming). Digital mediation in scientific communication. Transversal skills learning for professional employability. Bern: Peter Lang.

Luzón, M.J. (2024). “Come along for a tweetorial!”: Recontextualization strategies in biomedical publication-promoting tweetorials. English for Specific Purposes, 74, 132-148.

Pérez-Llantada, C. (2024). Identity construction in digital communication for public engagement in science. Discourse Studies, 0(0).

Pérez-Llantada, C. (2024). Approaching digital genre composing through reflective pedagogical praxis. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 68, 101349.

Pérez-Llantada, C. (2024). Digital genres and practices in English for Specific Purposes. In Starfield, S. and Hafner, C. (eds.) The Handbook of English for Specific Purposes. John Wiley and Sons. (in press)

Villares, R. (2024). Twitter conference discussion sessions: how and why researchers engage in online discussions. RICL Research in Corpus Linguistics, 13(1).

Vela-Rodrigo, A.Á. (2024). Markers of discourse structure in digital crowdfunding science proposals. Complutense Journal of English Studies (32) e97317.

Vivas-Peraza, A.C. (2024). Emerging Digital Multimodal Genres for Research Funding: The Rhetoric of Science Crowdfunding Videos. FACHSPRACHE- Journal of Professional and Scientific Communication.


Bocanegra-Valle, A. (2023). Predatory journals: A potential threat to the dissemination of open access knowledge. En R. Plo Alastrué e I. Corona Marzol (Eds.), Digital Scientific Communication: Identity and Visibility in Research Dissemination. Language and Linguistics Series. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 127-148.

Bocanegra-Valle A. (2023). Engaging in predatory practices: How editors persuade prospective authors. Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, 93, 117-129.

Guillén-Galve, I. and Vela-Tafalla, Miguel A. (2023) (Eds) Special Issue on Digital Genres and Multimodality. EDITORIAL: DIGITAL GENRES AND MULTIMODALITY. ESP Today, 11(2), pp. 198-212.

Luzón, M.J. (2023). Using Twitter for public dissemination and engagement with science: metadiscourse in the Twitter of scientific organisations.  In Bellés-Fortuño, B., Bellés-Clavero, L. and Martínez-Hernandez, A.I. (ed) New trends on Metadiscourse. An analysis of online and textual genres (pp. 163-189). Palgrave Macmillan

Luzón, M.J. and Albero-Posac, S. (2023) (Eds) Special Issue on Digital genres and Open Science practices. Ibérica: Revista de la Asociación Europea de Lenguas para Fines Específicos, 46.

Luzón, M.J. and Albero-Posac, S. (2023). Digital genres and Open Science practices. Ibérica: Revista de la Asociación Europea de Lenguas para Fines Específicos, 46: 1-21.

Luzón, M.J. (2023). “Excited to see our latest work published”: Recontextualizing research results in biomedical tweetorials. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 66: 101308.

Luzón, M.J. (2023). Forms and functions of intertextuality in academic tweets composed by research groups. Journal of English for Academic Purposes 64, 101254.

Luzón, M.J. (2023). Multimodal practices of research groups in Twitter: An analysis of stance and engagement. English for Specific Purposes, 70 :17-32.

Ollero, A., Vela, A. &  Pérez-Llantada, C. (2023). El desarrollo de la competencia en comunicación multimodal a través de la creación de textos digitales. En Díez Gómez de Casal, A. (ed. Lit.) Propuestas de innovación para el desarrollo en contextos educativos (pp. 115-130). Universidad de La Rioja-CRIE. ISBN 978-84-09-50189-2

Pérez-Llantada, C. (2023). ‘Help us better understand our changing climate’: Exploring the discourse of Citizen Science. Discourse & Communication, 0(0). (online first)

Schmied, J., Bondi, M., Dontcheva Navratilova, O. and C. Pérez-Llantada (2023). Language variation and change in academic writing: Recent trends through globalisation and digitalisation. Token: A Journal of English Linguistics, 16. 1-8.

Vela, A., Ollero, A., & Vivas A.C.(2023). El fomento de las competencias digital y comunicativa en inglés a través del uso de software especializado en abierto. En Alejandre, J.L. (Coord.). Buenas prácticas en la docencia universitaria con apoyo de TIC. Experiencias en 2022 (pp. 169-176). Cátedra Banco Santander de la Universidad de Zaragoza. Prensas de la UZ. ISBN: 978-84-1340-668-8

Vela-Rodrigo, A.Á. (2023). A lexical bundle analysis of art-related crowdfunding projects. Ibérica: Revista de la Asociación Europea de Lenguas para Fines Específicos (AELFE), 46, pp. 321-349.

Villares, R. (2023). Exploring rhetorical strategies of stance and engagement in Twitter conference presentations. ESP Today, 11(2), 280-301.

Villares, R. (2023). Twitter conference presentations: a rhetorical and semiotic analysis of an emerging digital genre. ELIA: Estudios de Lingüística Inglesa Aplicada, 22, 125-167.

Vivas-Peraza, A.C. (2023). Teaching English as a Lingua Franca and the Intercultural Communicative Competence in Spanish secondary education: Exploring multimodal textbook contents and student’s perceptions. In A. Ariño-Bizarro, H. López-Cortés, D. Pascual (eds). En torno al lenguaje: nuevas aportaciones al estudio lingüístico (pp. 303-332). Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza.


Carciu, O-M., & Villares, R. (2022). Innovation linked with SDGs: Citizen Science projects to foster competencies for participation in the Digital Society. 8th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’22), 1223-1230.

Luzón, M.J. and Pérez-Llantada, C.(2022). Digital Genres in Academic Knowledge Production and Communication: Perspectives and Practices. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Luzón M.J. (2022). “Coronavirus explainers” for public communication of science: everything the public needs to know. In Musolff, A., Breeze, R., Kondo, K. and Vilar-Lluch, S. (eds). Pandemic and Crisis Discourse. Bloomsbury Publishing. 10.5040/

Pérez-Llantada, C.; Abián, O.; Cadenas-Sánchez, C.; Carciu, O.; Clemente-Gallardo, J.; Erviti, M.C.; Labayen, I.; León, B.; Ollero, A.; Oses Recalde, M.; Rivera, D.; Vela, A.; Velazquez-Campoy, A.; Villares, R.; Vivas Peraza, A.C. (2022). “Digital Science: Sustainable, transformative and transversal. Final report”, Mendeley Data, V1, doi: 10.17632/2yv5brwxg5.1

Pérez-Llantada, C. & M.J. Luzón (2022). Genre networks. Intersemiotic relations in digital science communication. New York/Oxon: Routledge.

Pérez-Llantada, C. (2022). Online data articles: The language of intersubjective stance in a rhetorical hybrid. Written Communication,39(3), 400-425. 

Velilla, M. A. (2022). English-medium instruction experiences: ‘Focus on form’ as a strategy to develop subject specific literacy. Revista de lenguas para fines específicos 28(1), 193-206.

Vivas-Peraza, A. C. (2022). Engaging the public in science crowdfunding: Scientists calling to action through visual and verbal strategies. VISUAL REVIEW, 9, 1-15.

Vivas-Peraza, A. C. (2022). The role of women in STEM disciplines. A multimodal analysis of crowdfunding project videos for the iGEM science competition. Sociología y tecnociencia, 12(2), 228-251.


Albero-Posac, S. & Luzón, M.J. (2021). Understanding academics online: Ethnographic approaches to the analysis of online academic discourse and practices. In I. Guillén-Galve and A. Bocanegra-Valle  (Eds), Ethnographies of Academic Writing Research: Theory, Methods, and Interpretation (pp. 62-81). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Bocanegra-Valle, A., & Guillén-Galve, I. (2021). “Methodological reflections on and participatory episodes of ethnographic academic writing research”. In Guillén-Galve, I., & Bocanegra-Valle, A. (Eds.) (2021). Ethnographies of Academic Writing Research: Theory, Methods, and Interpretation (pp. 1-20). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Guillén-Galve, I., & Bocanegra-Valle, A. (eds.) (2021). Ethnographies of Academic Writing Research: Theory, Methods, and Interpretation. (Research Methods in Applied Linguistics Series vol. 1). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ISBN: 978-90-272-1006-7.

Luzón, M.J. (2021). Digital genres and teaching English for Academic Purposes. In H. Mohebbi & C. Coombe (Eds.), Research Questions in Language Education and Applied Linguistics:  A Reference Guide for Teachers. Cham, Switzerland: Springer

Mauranen, A., C. Pérez-Llantada and J. M. Swales. (2021). Academic Englishes: A standardised knowledge? In A. Kirkpatrick (ed.) The World Englishes Handbook, 2nd edition. London, New York: Routledge. (pp. 659-676).

Pérez-Llantada, C. (2021). Genres and languages in science communication: The multiple dimensions of the science-policy interface. Language & Communication, 78, 65-75.

Pérez-Llantada, C. (2021). Grammar features and discourse style in digital genres: the case of science-focused crowdfunding projects. Revista Signos. Estudios de Lingüística, 54(105), 73-96. Open access.

Pérez-Llantada, C. (2021). Research Genres across Languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Velilla-Sánchez, M. A. (2021). Bilingual resources in English-medium instruction lectures: the role lecturer’s L1 is playing in EMI courses. Language Value, 14(2), 45-67.


Bocanegra-Valle, A. (2020). Researching academic genres, language and discourse with computer assisted qualitative data analysis software. En M. L . Carrió-Pastor(ed.), Corpus Analysis in Academic Discourse: Discourse Markers, English for Specific Purposes and Learner Corpora. London: Routledge, 146-166.

Guillén-Galve, I. & Vela-Tafalla, M. A. (2020). New research genres and English prosody: an exploratory analysis of academic English intonation in Video Methods Articles in experimental biology. Language Value, 12(1), 1-19.

Luzón, M.J. & Albero-Posac, S. (2020). “Had a lovely week at #conference2018”: an analysis of interaction through conference tweets. RELC Journal, 51(1), 33-51.

Luzón, M.J. (2020). Visual Communication in Online Academic Genres: An Analysis of Images on the Websites of Research Groups. In M. Gotti, S. M. Maci and M. Sala (Eds), Scholarly Pathways: Knowledge Transfer and Knowledge Exchange in Academia (pp. 281-304). Bern: Peter Lang.

Pérez-Llantada, C. (2020). Book review of Academic Discourse and Global Publishing, Ken Hyland and Feng (Kevin) Jiang, Routledge, London and New York (2019), Journal of English for Academic Purposes, Article Number: 100847.

Pérez-Llantada, C. (2020). Knowledge dissemination, genres and transformative practice. In M. Gotti, S. Maci and M. Sala (eds.), Scholarly Pathways. Knowledge Transfer and Knowledge Exchange in Academia (pp. 5-10). Bern: Peter Lang.

Selected publications from previous projects


Bocanegra-Valle, A., & Guillén-Galve, I. (2021). “Methodological reflections on and participatory episodes of ethnographic academic writing research”. In Guillén-Galve, I., & Bocanegra-Valle, A. (Eds.) (2021). Ethnographies of Academic Writing Research: Theory, Methods, and Interpretation (pp. 1-20). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Guillén-Galve, I., & Bocanegra-Valle, A. (eds.) (2021). Ethnographies of Academic Writing Research: Theory, Methods, and Interpretation. (Research Methods in Applied Linguistics Series vol. 1). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ISBN: 978-90-272-1006-7.


Bocanegra-Valle, A. (2019). Building a reputation in global scientific communication: A SWOT analysis of Spanish humanities journals. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 44(1).

Luzón, M.J. (2019). Bridging the gap between experts and publics: the role of multimodality in disseminating research in online videos. IBÉRICA, Journal of the European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes, 37, 167-192.

Luzón, M.J. (2019). “Meet our group!” Addressing multiple audiences on the websites of Spanish Research Groups. IJES: International Journal of English Studies.

Luzón, M. J. & Pérez-Llantada, C. (eds). (2019). Science communication on the Internet: Old genres meet new genres. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Luzón, M. J. & Pérez-Llantada, C. (2019). Connecting traditional and new genres: Trends and emerging themes. In Luzón, M. J. & Pérez-Llantada, C. (eds). 2019. Science communication on the Internet: Old genres meet new genres (pp. 1-18). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Pérez-Llantada, C. (2019). Ecologies of genres and an ecology of languages of science: current and future debates. In David Gruber & Lynda Walsh (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Language and Science (pp. 361-374). New York: Routledge.


Luzón, M.J. (2018). Constructing academic identities online: Identity performance in research group blogs written by multilingual scholars. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 33, 24-39.

Luzón, M.J. (2018). Features of online ELF in research group blogs written by multilingual scholars. Discourse Context and Media, 24, 24-32.

Luzón, M.J. (2018). English as a Lingua Franca in academic blogs: its co-existence and interaction with other languages. In Z. Tatsioka, Z., B. Seidlhofer, N. Sifakis, N. & G. Ferguson, G. (eds.), Using English as a Lingua Franca in education in Europe (pp. 125-149). Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter Mouton.

Luzón, M.J. (2018). Academic social networking sites (ASNS) as ELF settings: an analysis of interactional strategies in ResearchGate discussions. In I. Guillén-Galve & I. Vázquez (eds.), English as a Lingua Franca and Intercultural Communication: implications and/or applications to the field of English Language Teaching. Bern: Peter Lang.


Bocanegra-Valle, A. (2017). How credible are open access emerging journals? A situational analysis in the humanities. In M. Cargill & S. Burgess (eds.), Publishing research in English as an Additional Language: Practices, pathways and potentials (pp. 121-149). Adelaide: University of Adelaide Press.

Luzón, M.J. (2017). Connecting genres and languages in online scholarly communication. Written Communication, 34(4), 441-471.