I am a lecturer at the Department of English and German Studies (University of Zaragoza), where I teach courses on English language teaching for infant and primary education. I have over seven years of classroom teaching experience of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in various sociocultural settings. In my PhD, I examined the multimodal manifestations of persuasion in Science Crowdfunding Videos (SCVs), with the pedagogical purpose of training scientists and practitioners on the production of this innovative genre. My main research areas are genre theory, rhetoric, multimodal communication and semiotics, although I have also done research on linguistic landscapes, World Englishes and English as a lingua franca.

You can follow my updates on ResearchGate.

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  • Vivas-Peraza, A.C. (forthcoming). Multimodality as a framework for the study of verbal and non-verbal resources in web-based science communication. The case of science crowdfunding videos (SCVs). Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación.
  • Vivas-Peraza, A.C. (2024). Dissertation: “Emerging Digital Multimodal Genres for Research Funding: The Rhetoric of Science Crowdfunding Videos”. Fachsprache.
  • Vivas-Peraza, A.C. (2024). Book review of Comunicación especializada y divulgación en la red, Gianluca Portrandolfo and Sara Piccioni, Routledge, London (2022). Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada, 37 (1), 366-370.
  • Vela, A., Ollero, A., & Vivas-Peraza, A.C. (2023). El fomento de las competencias digital y comunicativa en inglés a través del uso de software especializado en abierto. In Alejandre, J.L. (Coord.). Buenas prácticas en la docencia universitaria con apoyo de TIC. Experiencias en 2022 (pp. 169-176). Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza.
  • Vivas-Peraza, A.C. (2023). Teaching English as a Lingua Franca and the Intercultural Communicative Competence in Spanish secondary education: Exploring multimodal textbook contents and student’s perceptions. In A. Ariño-Bizarro, H. López-Cortés, D. Pascual (eds). En torno al lenguaje: nuevas aportaciones al estudio lingüístico (pp. 303-332). Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza.
  • Vivas-Peraza, A. C. (2022). Engaging the public in science crowdfunding: Scientists calling to action through visual and verbal strategies. VISUAL REVIEW, 9, 1-15.
  • Vivas-Peraza, A. C. (2022). The role of women in STEM disciplines. A multimodal analysis of crowdfunding project videos for the iGEM science competition. Sociología y tecnociencia, 12(2), 228-251.
  • Vivas-Peraza, A. C. (2020). English in the Linguistic Landscape of Thailand: A Case Study of Public Signs in Hat Yai. Language Value 13, 23-57.


  • Vivas-Peraza, A.C. (2024). The potential of multimodal literacy for persuasive SciComm: A case study of promotional videos from the crowdfunding platform 22nd International AELFE Conference, Challenges of LSP teaching and research in the era of the language technological revolution. University of Semmelweis, Budapest, Hungary. 6-7 Sept. Conference presentation.
  • Vivas-Peraza, A.C. (2023). Crowdfunding worthy researchers: the construction of identity in science crowdfunding videos. Languaging identities in changing times: challenges and opportunities. Languaging Diversity International Conference 2023. University of Napoli “L’orientale”, Torino, Italy, 14- 16 Dec. Online conference presentation.
  • Vivas-Peraza, A.C. (2023). Science communication and the new needs for EAP in the digital age: Producing science crowdfunding videos as multimodal literacy practice. Norwegian Forum of English for Academic Purposes (NFEAP). Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway, 15- 16 June. Conference presentation.
  • Vivas-Peraza, A. C. (2023). How to persuade a wide Internet audience to donate money for a research project: Lessons from a rhetorical and multimodal analysis of science crowdfunding videos. XI National Conference BIFI 2023. Instituto Universitario de Investigación Biocomputación y Física de Sistemas Complejos (BIFI), Zaragoza, Spain, 25- 27 Jan. Poster presentation.
  • Vivas-Peraza, A.C. (2022). “ I can’t do this without you”: Verbal and visual engagement strategies in science crowdfunding project videos”. XXII Congreso Universitario Internacional sobre la Comunicación en la profesión y en la Universidad de hoy: Contenidos, Investigación, Innovación y Docencia (CUICIID). Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, 5-7 Oct. Online  conference presentation.
  • Vivas-Peraza, A.C. (2022).  Building a credible and trustworthy scientific persona through crowdfunding. An analysis of successful climate change-related campaigns on Scientific Expertise, Communication and Trust International Conference (SECAT). University of Aarhus, Denmark, 27- 28 Sept. Online conference presentation.
  • Vivas-Peraza, A.C. (2022). Ethos, logos, and pathos in crowdfunding project videos of science: Multimodal persuasive strategies to involve citizen participation in research. 20th International AELFE Conference, Communication in the academic, professional, and political spheres during pandemic times. University of Pisa, Italy,  14-15 Sept. Conference presentation.
  • Vela Rodrigo, A.A., Ollero Gavín, A. & Vivas-Peraza, A.C. (2022). El fomento de las competencias digital y comunicativa en inglés a través del uso de software especializado en abierto. XIII Jornada de Buenas Prácticas en la docencia universitaria con apoyo de TIC. Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain, 6-7 Sept. Conference presentation.
  • Vivas-Peraza, A.C. (2022). Affordances of Atlas.ti 8 software for multimodal genre analysis. Universidad Jaume I, Castellón, Spain. 7 Feb. Invited talk.
  • Vivas-Peraza, A.C. (2021). Teaching ELF and the Need for an Intercultural Approach in Course Books. A Case Study of Secondary Students in Santa Rosa- Altoaragón School, Huesca. XXXV Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Jóvenes Lingüistas (AJL). Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain, 29 Sept- 1 Oct. Online conference presentation.
  • Vivas-Peraza, A.C. (2021). From Granted to Crowdfunded: Persuading Non-Specialised Audiences in Crowdfunding Video Pitches. 6th International Conference of Asia-Pacific LSP & Professional Communication Association. Hong Kong, 3-5 June. Online conference presentation.
  • Vivas-Peraza, A.C. (2021). Studying the rhetorical structure of crowdfunding discourse: A move-step analysis of project videos. III Seminar in English Studies (SEING 2021): Building Bridges and Filling Gaps in English Studies Research. Zaragoza, 27-28 May. Online conference presentation.
  • Vivas-Peraza, A.C. (2021). Gender Representation and Female Visibility in Science Crowdfunding Genres. Multimodal Analysis of Project Videos for the iGEM Research Competition. III Congreso Internacional enTRetextos. Alicante, 13-14 May. Online conference presentation.
  • Vivas-Peraza, A. C. (2019). English in the Linguistic Landscape of Thailand. A Case Study of Public Signs in Hat Yai. 11th Linguistic Landscape Workshop, East meets West: Social Reflection and Integration (XIScape2019), Bangkok, 4–6 June. Conference presentation.
