Dissemination event

Digital Genres and Open Science

Latest trends and future directions

Aim. To spread the results of the GENCI project (Digital genres and Open Science) both to researchers interested in communicating science online and to researchers interested in the study of digital genres for science communication.

Venue. Online. Please register here to obtain the Zoom link until 12th May. Registration is free

Date: 14/05/2024.     Time: 10:00-13:00 (Madrid time)

Description. In this event we will present results of our four-year research project on digital genres for science communication and dissemination. We will discuss new genres that researchers use for several purposes: to promote their findings, increase their visibility and improve the impact of their research, to facilitate reproducibility, or to disseminate their research to the public. We will share our results on the discourse features of these genres and on how to compose them effectively.

You can have a taste of it before the day of the event by clicking on the links to the abstract in the programme below.


10:00-10:15 Welcome to GENCI 2.0
María José Luzón
10:15-10:45Genres to promote research findings (abstract)
Oana Carciu, María José Luzón, Rosana Villares
10:45-11:15Audiovisual genres to communicate and promote science (abstract)
Sofía Albero, Mª Ángeles Velilla, Miguel Vela, Ignacio Guillén
11:15-11:45Genres of public communication of science (abstract)
Carmen Pérez-Llantada, Ana Cristina Vivas, Alberto Vela
11:45-12:00Coffee break
12:00-13:00Mesa Redonda (in Spanish): Oportunidades y retos de la comunicación digital  
Moderadora: Ana Bocanegra
Noelia Ruiz-Madrid (Universitat Jaume I de Castellón)
Isabel Herrando (Universidad de Zaragoza)
Francisco Sanz y Daniel Lisbona (Fundacion Ibercivis)
Olga Abián (Instituto de Biocomputación y Física de Sistemas Complejos – BIFI)
13:00Conclusion and closing
Carmen Perez-Llantada

  • Working language: English. Round Table in Spanish
  • Time for questions at the end of each session. Questions can be written in the Google Form before the event or can be posed at the end of every session using the chat box.
  • Open floor at the end of the Round Table. Attendees will submit their questions using the chat box. A moderator will supervise the Q&A session.
  • A certificate of attendance will be issued upon request (please indicate so in the registration form).
  • Please submit any questions to digitalgenres@unizar.es