I have a Bachelor degree in English Studies and a Master’s degree in Education. At present, I am working as a high school teacher. I joined the PhD programme in English Studies at the University of Zaragoza. My main research interests are genre analysis and multimodality. I aim to understand digital genres of science and, in particular, how multimodal genres can today be used by scientists to make science accessible and attractive to non-expert audiences, and by the latter, to democratise the interests of scientific research.
You can follow my updates on Twitter and ResearchGate.
- Ollero Gavín, A. (2022). Scientific communication through Interactive Digital Narratives in Interactive Science Documentaries (ISDOCs). NFEAP OsloMet. 8-9 June 2022, Oslo, Norway. Conference Presentation.
- Ollero Gavín, A. (2022). Innovation and digital affordances in Interactive Science Documentaries: a case study. 5th International Symposium Language for International Communication (LINCS). 28-29 April 2022, Riga, Latvia. Online Conference Presentation.
- Ollero Gavín, A. (2021). Parascientific genres and Web 2.0: a case study of Interactive Science Documentaries. 6th Asia-Pacific LSP & Professional Communication Association Conference. 3-5 Junio 2021, Universidad de Zaragoza. Online Conference Presentation.
- Ollero Gavín, A. (2021). Multimodal emergent Web 2.0 genres: the case of the ISDoc. III Seminar in English Studies (SEING). 27-28 Mayo 2021, Universidad de Zaragoza. Online Conference Presentation.
- Ollero Gavín, A. (2021). Parascientific genres and Web 2.0: a case study of Interactive Science Documentaries. 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE EnTRetextos 2021. 13-14 Mayo 2021, Universidad de Alicante. Online Conference Presentation.